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Photomicrographical Diversions

by Mr. Tony Havics
pH2, LLC
Avon, Indiana

Friday, April 26, 2019

To be held at

McCrone Research Institute
2820 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60616

6:00 PM: Pizza and Salad Dinner ~ Tariff: $15.00 (if eating)
Contact Freddie Smith for Reservations / Cancellations at 312-842-7100 or Freddie@mcri.org by Noon Thursday, April 25

7:00 PM: Presentation
A number of companies performing quality microscopy send out cards every year with uniquely representative images. We do the same. But behind each card is a story of art and chemistry rooted in microscopical optics. These diversions allow visual expression of scientific and philosophical origins to supplement the microscopical subject matter. These cards include: bis(diethylammonium)tetratcholorcuprate (II) (DEATC), Alaskan Cedar, anthracene, a snowflake, L-xylose, Janus B & Congo red stains, Benzidine reaction product, a special maltese cross, strontium squarate, calcium phenate, left- and right-handed quartz, and Benzotriazole (BTA). The techniques reveal much, but so can the point of observation of the viewer.

Bio Sketch: Mr. Havics is an Honors graduate from Georgia Institute of Technology with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) with over 30 years of experience in microscopical characterization on a variety of materials including biological, geological, metallurgical, and several hazardous ones. Mr. Havics is also a Limited Term Lecturer at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. In addition, he has also testified in federal court as an expert engineer and microscopist.

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Ap (to be held at Bill's home: 3005 Avenue Loire, Oak Brook, IL). (continued:) June 10 – 14th, Inter/Micro 2019; SMSI Banquet, June 12th, James Solliday, 2019 August Kohler Award Recipient.