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Forensic Mycology: Using Fungi to Solve Problems

by Payam Fallah, PhD.

WEDNESDAY, November 7, 2018

To be held at

McCrone Research Institute
2820 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60616

6:00 PM: Mediterranean Dinner ~ Tariff: $15.00 (if eating)
Contact Freddie Smith for Reservations / Cancellations at 312-842-7100 or Freddie@mcri.org by Noon TUESDAY, November 6, 2018

7:00 PM: Presentation
The kingdom Fungi includes some 100,000 described species from macroscopic mushrooms to microscopic molds. There are estimated 1.5 million species are yet to be discovered. Each fungal species has its own life cycle. Some species can be used to find clues in forensic investigations. A handful of species continue to be useful in providing evidence in litigations. A brief discussion of these organisms in legal cases is provided.

Bio Sketch: Payam Fallah Ph.D. holds position as a senior mycologist and laboratory director with IDEH Laboratory. He has more than 20 years of experience in plant pathology, mycology, and indoor air quality. Dr. Fallah received a master's degree in plant pathology (1993) and a Ph.D. (1998) in mycology from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Fallah was a post-doctoral fellow at the Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory (SBML, USDA) in Beltsville, Maryland working on systematics of the mold genus Trichoderma. Dr. Fallah has published over 20 scientific articles related to mycology, plant pathology, and indoor air quality. He has given numerous seminars and lectures on mycology and indoor air quality throughout the United States. Dr. Fallah has served as a mold expert in several legal cases.

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